Irish Salmon Challenge with Glenda Powell

Salmon fishing in Ireland has seen many changes over the last fifty years. Changes in equipment, changes in access to waters, changes in water quality, changes in numbers of returning fish and changes in rules and regulations. One thing that has remained in all this time is how we still what to honour and celebrate that big fish. Whether a large fish is taken on a big river like the Suir or on a wee spate river like the Owenduff, you’ll hear about it. It’s that kind of news, it spreads like wildfire and always did. It gives us the belief that maybe the next day out, it will be possible to have the big one at the end of our line.
This coming season Glenda is launching the inaugural FISH-LIVE-LEARN with Glenda Powell Irish Salmon Challenge. This challenge will endeavour to elevate the big salmon of Ireland back to the heights they deserve, while also promoting the conservation of the species. For many years the fish itself was the trophy, with this challenge it allows anglers to return the fish and still have the catch honoured. The trophy is a specially designed and commissioned traditional Irish Bodhran, crafted in Connemara for us by Malachy Kearns and his team at Roundstone Musical Instruments.
As keen conservationists and anglers ourselves, we are delighted to support this event and we have donated a magnum of Sloe Bertha which the winner. In addition to Bertha’s Revenge GIn, Cadence Fly Fishing, FishPal, Celtic Fly Craft and the Irish Fly Fair have also kindly donated prizes for the lucky winner and of course their name and catch will be engraved onto the trophy.
The rules and regulations regarding how to make your entry into the FISH-LIVE-LEARN with Glenda Powell Irish Salmon Challenge in the link below.
- Click here to view the entry details.